I’ve sent letters to some of the Bulgarian IT-organizations, asking them to join efforts with the Internet Society of Bulgaria on celebrating Sept. 22nd as not only the Day of the Bulgarian Independence, but also as the One Web Day.
The following is from the OneWebDay site:
OneWebDay is one day a year when we all – everyone around the physical globe – can celebrate the Web and what it means to us as individuals, organizations, and communities.
As with Earth Day – an inspiration and model for OneWebDay – it’s up to the celebrants to decide how to celebrate. We encourage all celebrations! Collaboration, connection, creativity, freedom.
By the end of the day, the Web should be just a little bit better than it was before, and we’ll be able to see our connection to it more clearly.
OneWebDay is September 22 every year, starting in 2006.
If you write about OneWebDay or take a picture related to OneWebDay (there’s a special hand signal — you extend your middle three fingers and have your thumb and little finger touch in a circle) tag it onewebday and it will show up on this site.
If you’re interested in being part of a project to celebrate the net on OneWebday, go to the ProjectWiki. If you’d like to coordinate a project, let us know and we’ll help find people for you to work with. If you’d like to sponsor a project, by providing computing resources or money, go here and let us know. This site is serving as a clearinghouse for projects, helping to match people to ideas (and ideas to people).
Sample projects include:
Collective art projects (see yourself as a pixel)
Music mashups
Contributing to a slide show of flickr images of people doing the onewebday hand signal
A collection of oral histories — how the web changed my life
How I found my job online
How I found friends online
What the web means to me
How I work online
Teach your grandmother to blog
Teach the mayor to blog
Wire a town, or create a wireless hotspot
Put your digital pictures online.
Make a website for your club, church, school.
Make an entry for your neighborhood in Wikipedia.
Find out the email addresses of your neighbors and start a neighborhood mailing list.
Companies: run a virtual meeting for work-at-home employees.
Employees: teach your boss to IM.
Parents: get your kids to teach you to IM.
Doctors: Set up web-based self-scheduling for patients.
Libraries and schools: Run a website-building workshop.