Yes, we do live in interesting times. Here’s what my anti-spam filters captured. Note that it has a funny opt-out remark in the beginning.
HQ Software Consulting – Bucharest
Attn: Marketing Department
Ref.: Romanian PHP, Java, ASP, & .NET Software Outsourcing————————————————————————
Our privacy company policy:To exclude your E-mail address from the present
contact lists just do not reply to this messageand we will never bother you again.
If you receive this message by mistake and/or you are not interested
in the following brief presentation, please accept our apologies.This is a world-wide promotion campaign. The selected E-mail addresses
are extracted only from the commercial websites of the targeted markets.
————————————————————————We would like to offer you for consideration our brief presentation.
We are looking for a marketplace in your country.To communicate with us please reply using
the plain text format in the body of the message– mentioning your Specific Inquiry/Offering Demand –
and your detailed contact information:
– company name, address, phone & fax numbers, contact person. –
Simple replies and advertisements will not be considered.
We do not open any PC applications.If you answer to this message, we will contact you every 3 months in
order to update our partners service database. Thank you for your time.Best regards,
HQ Software Consulting StaffDear customer,
Please be so kind and review our PHP, Java, ASP, & .NET Software
Outsourcing offer below:Brief Export Proposal
Our area of interest is PHP, Java, ASP, & .NET Software
Outsourcing Servicies at flexible prices.The capabilities and references listed below show the advantages
obtained by the many companies we worked for.We would like you to send us your specific inquiry/offering demand.
This will give us the chance to prove our efficiency.
With corporate headquarters in Bucharest, Romania,
HQ Software Consulting is a software development firm
specialized in providing custom application development
and software outsourcing services for international clients.Employing more than 30 software developers and continuously
investing in improving the quality of the development process
and technical training, HQ has proven full capabilities in
undertaking challenging software projects and deliver solutions
that completely met the expectations, on time and on budget.Our area of services covers:
– new application development
– open source packages customization
– application re-engineering with purposes such as to eliminate
bugs, add new functionality in legacy systems, integrate older
technologies in a SOA environment, enhance performance
and improve scalability
– application migration between different
software development platforms
– flexible sourcing opportunities for
software development projectsWe look forward to working together in your software
development projects. For a very competitive, flat rate
you are going to receive the following:– professional project management services
– online tools for tracking project progress in real time
– peer reviewed, fully object oriented code
that follows industry standards
– excellent communication and very good English speaking
and writing skills from all our staffIn case you want a free of charge quote from us or
if you have any further inquiries, please
do not hesitate to contact us.Our area of technological expertise includes:
– Operating Systems: Linux, Solaris, Windows
– Programming languages: C#, Visual Basic .NET, Java,
gnu C/C++, PHP, mono, Visual Studio 6
– Web technologies: HTML, Javascript, SOAP web services,
– Enterprise technologies: COM+, J2EE, stored procedures
– Desktop technologies: Windows.Forms, Swing,
GTK, smart clients
– Mobile technologies: .NET mobile, J2ME
– Database servers: Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle,
IBM DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQLFor technologies not included in this brief enumeration,
we welcome your inquiries.We’d appreciate your feed-back containing detailed contact coordinates:
company name, address, phone and fax numbers, contact person, web-site.Our Area of Interest: PHP, Java, ASP, & .NET Software Outsourcing
We wish to express our availability to work under the client’s brand.Please don’t hesitate to send us your specific inquiry/offering demand.
We’ll be happy to provide you the most effective prices in the field.
Thanking you for your time and looking forward to your reply,
we wish you all the best.HQ Software Consulting Staff
What can I say – the brother Romanians are looking for more work 😉 Which doesn’t mean I approve their methods.