Michael Dell has said yesterday in Las Vegas that the entire PC industry should adopt free recycling programs for users, as he announced his company will plant a tree for every computer it sells.
Quite a wise move! Congratulations for Dell and his visionary thinking!
I’d use this news to tell my readers about a Bulgarian, who has been doing the same:
Some Bulgarian newspapers reported about a Bulgarian doctor, living today in Australia, who Launched a Walnut Plantation in Bulgaria. Dr. Preslav Trenchev bought 104.8 ha of land in the region of Pernik town at a tender. The land is going to be used for planting trees. This comes on top of the land he already planted in 2006, with trees – mainly walnuts.
So far he has planted about 120,000 decares (12000 ha, 30,000 acres) in about 13 municipalities in Bulgaria. His aim is to have 4,000,000 decares (400,000 ha, appr. 1 million acres) of land with trees!
Dr. Trenchev is not only someone that I happen to know; his life was actually saved by my Grandfather in 1971, when he was to be sent in the Gulag; instead my Granfather helped him to get him out of the country and Dr. Trenchev ended up in England, where he was forced in exile. I will blog more about it soon.
P.S. Disclosure: I have had in my life about 8 personal computers, and have planted 13 trees – so, to say, I have also planted some for my company’s computers.
Hi. Would you be able to email me? I’m seeking some information about Dr. Trenchev. Thanks very much.