Dell Goes Green, a Bulgarian Doctor Is Doing The Same for Years

Michael Dell has said yesterday in Las Vegas that the entire PC industry should adopt free recycling programs for users, as he announced his company will plant a tree for every computer it sells.
Quite a wise move! Congratulations for Dell and his visionary thinking!

I’d use this news to tell my readers about a Bulgarian, who has been doing the same:
Some Bulgarian newspapers reported about a Bulgarian doctor, living today in Australia, who Launched a Walnut Plantation in Bulgaria. Dr. Preslav Trenchev bought 104.8 ha of land in the region of Pernik town at a tender. The land is going to be used for planting trees. This comes on top of the land he already planted in 2006, with trees – mainly walnuts.
So far he has planted about 120,000 decares (12000 ha, 30,000 acres) in about 13 municipalities in Bulgaria. His aim is to have 4,000,000 decares (400,000 ha, appr. 1 million acres) of land with trees!
Dr. Trenchev is not only someone that I happen to know; his life was actually saved by my Grandfather in 1971, when he was to be sent in the Gulag; instead my Granfather helped him to get him out of the country and Dr. Trenchev ended up in England, where he was forced in exile. I will blog more about it soon.

P.S. Disclosure: I have had in my life about 8 personal computers, and have planted 13 trees – so, to say, I have also planted some for my company’s computers.

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One Response to Dell Goes Green, a Bulgarian Doctor Is Doing The Same for Years

  1. Tree lover says:

    Hi. Would you be able to email me? I’m seeking some information about Dr. Trenchev. Thanks very much.

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