Sofia Mayor Borissov With (Yet Another) Unique Statement: Earthquakes Are Caused By Human-Made Explosives!

This is not a joke. I will probably blog in Bulgarian about it, too.
Yesterday there was an earthquake in Sofia, Bulgaria.

For those unfamiliar, Sofia is located in a place, where earthquakes happen relatively often (read more about it).

However, what we have heard by the Sofia mayor, Boiko Borissov, is unique, and it is quoted in a number of newspapers (see for example Dnevnik, Sega, and many others). Mayor Borissov said, as quoted in the Dnevnik

“It [the earthquake] could be provoked by the explosions in Chelopechene*, nothing unusual, but let the specialists say it, because we don’t know. (“in Bulgarian: То може да е провокирано от взривовете в Челопечене, нищо чудно, но все пак нека специалистите да го кажат, защото ние не знаем.“)
and, as quoted in Sega daily,
“It is not possible for tons of explosives to explode, and this not to influence the seismic processes. The Earth is something, which reacts to such processes. That is how at least I explain it for myself” (“In Bulgarian: Не може тонове взрив да се взривяват и това да не повлияе на сеизмичните процеси. Земята все пак е нещо, което реагира на тези процеси. Поне така си го обяснявам аз“)

This statement of our national capital’s mayor is yet another example of his unique lack of knowledge – this time about the way earthquakes happen. Scientists from all over the world might take his lead, and explain the earthquakes in Japan with the two nuclear bombs that exploded there in August of 1945.
The mayor is notorious for other statements, too, including “We catch them, they release them” (said when he was head of the Bulgarian police, about the criminals which the police would arrest with no enough evidence, and the court would naturally release).

This one, however, goes beyond what one would expect from a Bulgarian politician, who wants the world to accept him as an opposition leader, and a tough on corruption “macho”, as presented in articles, of which I wrote here.

Just for the record, the deputy-director of the Geo-physical Institute to the Bulgarian Academy of Science, Dr. Dimo Solakov, said that it is absolutely positive there’s no relation between the explosions in July and the earthquake.

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