Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares

Yes, it’s a headline in French – a language I don’t speak.

The Mystere des Voix Bulgares is a Bulgarian female choir, a Grammy award winner (1990).
They performed on March 3rd (National holiday of Bulgaria) in New York’s Symphony Space. The concert was fantastic. Hall was full with fans of the great performers, and we called them for three more songs than orginally written in the program.

The concert was made with the kind support from Mr. Nikolay Milkov – Consul General of the Republic of Bulgaria to New York, and Natalia Uzunova – cultural attache to the Consulate General.

Instead of wondering what to write, I will quote some of the notes about them, published at different sites.

Here’s what the official site of the Bulgarian Consulate General in New York says about them:

“Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares” is an ensemble of a rare artistic gift and enormous popular appeal. Its story is a story of a success. Created fifty years ago, its goal was to enrich the heritage of the Bulgarian solo folk song with harmonies and arrangement that highlighted its beautiful timbres and irregular rhythms.

They transform sounds into strange vocal colors as if something other than the human voice, perhaps some strange instrument is playing. They jubilate, shout, ornament, form fast and perfect glissandos, let one crazy rhythm follow another and make their voices build the most darling cords. And suddenly the folk clich?? does not apply any more. A listener believes he has heard an archaic world of sounds from times long ago, another – the marriage of avant-grade and the middle ages. With their bell-like voices that seam to float lightly trough space, these women have become international stars, whose hypnotic chant circles the globe.

These mystic voices have managed countless times to dissolve the separation between East and West, of young and old, of pop music and classical tunes. The world became aware of their art thanks to Mr. Marcel Cellier, a Swiss producer, who started releasing albums under the name – Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares. Mr. Cellier can be contacted at

Tel. +041 21 – 9461649; Fax: +041 21 – 9463533

Their first album has been published in 1975. Their second album – “Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares vol. II” won the Grammy award in 1990.

If you haven’t listen to them, you should! Immediately!

You can do that at Amazon, search for Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares, or straight as follows:

1st album

2nd album

3rd album

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