Need Your Advise for My New Camera

I need an advice (or many advises).
For my birthday, I’ve received a nice present – the opportunity to buy a new camera.
Until now I was using a small Konika-Minolta, simple one, 3x optical zoom (you can check at my flickr for pictures taken with it).

After some discussions, I am looking at several possiblities, and need advises.

1. Panasonic DMC-FZ50
2. Sony R1
3. Something else – you name it.

Here are my requirements: high optical zoom, high ISO (1600+), recheargable batteries. I’d like to be able to make several pictures with or without the flash in a short time (e.g. 1 fps would be good). I don’t want to change lenses (yeah, I know, I am not a pro;-)

So – here’s a challenge for the camera professionals – give ideas.


UPDATE: it’s the Panasonic – Lumix DMC-FZ50. Will share impressions as soon as I start using it. Thanks to everyone who spent time sending e-mails/comments!

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2 Responses to Need Your Advise for My New Camera

  1. first off, i am not a pro. having said that, i have had great successes with several sonys. not the one mentioned here, though. my only concern with sonys is that they tend to be overpriced. other than that, i say go with the sony.

  2. Alan Levin says:

    I’ve used one of these before and I found it a bit frustrating. It’s trying to be a real camera but it’s not quite.

    As far as changing lenses is concerned. Please do not think that all people who use SLR cameras change lenses. With digitals, most people buy it with a lens and use it like that. Even professionals will buy another body. I’m like that (although secretly I’m still saving for a fixed 50mm 1.4 lens, fixed lens will always take a far superior photo).

    So – if you spend time in NY or other major US city – best go for the Nikon D40x. It’s definitely going to perform well for your needs, and whatever the time that you spend taking photos you want them to be good. Here’s the review and with a big zoom 18-135mm or a standard zoom 18-55mm lens. The big zoom will cost you a almost four hundred dollars more than the Lumix (my preferred option to the sony), but the standard is only 160. You will not regret that extra bit.

    I don’t think you want the big zoom. With this resolution (10m) you can easily do software zooming (cropping) from 55mm (digital 55mm is more than 35mm versions).

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