"Long Live Kamenitza.nyc"

I got this as an email from a friend:


    How they can manufacture a good bottle of beer at Kamenitza AD, Plovdiv, 95, Kapitan Raicho Str., and transport it several thousand miles and deliver it to Trade Fair on 75th Street and 37th Avenue in Jackson Hts., New York City, and sell it to me for $1.49 (excluding deposit) is beyond me. But I thank all the people and processes that enable it.

    Tom Lowenhaupt
    P.S. Long live Kamenitza.nyc.*

* about the .nyc: Tom Lowenhaupt is the enthusiast driving the bid for creating a new top-level domain for New York City, .nyc. Read more here. Wikipedia writes about the beer here.
** Needless to say, this posting is private, and has nothing to do with any of the organizations I work with, for, upon 😉

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